I know, what you think! Another banana bread recipe!? Does the world really need this? But, seriously, you guys, this sugarfree vegan banana bread has converted me from, well I just say it, „hating“ bananas to actually eating half the batch myself. And, I didn’t even have to feel bad afterwards, because there’s no added sugar! So, basically, it’s healthy and good for me and the perfect way to get all the magnesium and potassium into my body that I might have been missing these past years. A yeah to that!
Did you know that google puts out 240.000.000 hits when you enter Banana Bread recipe. 180.000.000 if you add „vegan“ to your search. You see, I did my homework and I am aware that there is hundreds, maybe even thousands of recipes out there, claiming to be the best, the healthiest, the only one you’ll ever need. So, why make this recipe and not one the bazillion others out there? Well, as I already mentioned: it’s sugarfree! Which means I didn’t add any form of sugar – not even coconut sugar or stevia. Still, it’s sweet and does totally count as cake! Thanks to the natural sugars present in the bananas and raisins or dried fruit which are added. Which brings me to reason number 2: it has walnuts and raisins in it! I know, raisins are a controversial issue – either you love them or you hate them. If you prefer a different dried fruit, like dates, just go ahead and swop them. For me, raisins are real gems. They are sweet, they are chewy, they absorb liquid and get even better when baked. A win, win, win, if you ask me or our youngest ever guest, little Frida from Frankfurt, who’s been picking raisins from her breakfast bircher. And who would know better than a almost 2-year old!?
Well, do you really need more reasons (or raisins – haha) to get out of your chair and make this banana bread? Ok, here’s another 3: it’s made with whole spelt flour and oats, so fiber-loaded and wheat free. It takes a mere 10 minutes and one bowl or blender jar to whip it up. And… it’s the perfect excuse to eat cake for breakfast! If you’re not convinced yet, this might convince you though. Have you ever found your bananas have gone from hard and bright yellow to being a speckled brown, soggy mess in your fruit bowl because you just haven’t had any banana cravings? Well, I have! Sometimes the bananas we provide at the breakfast buffet aren’t eaten as fast as I predicted and they start getting brown. And, you can only make that much nicecream or banana mylkshakes, right? This is the perfect recipe to make sure your bananas don’t end up in the bin. So let’s fight #foodwaste together with this easy, 10-minute recipe!
Convinced? Then please leave me a comment or tag your pictures on IG using #themellowkitchn and @themellowkitchn! I love it when you get in touch with me!
Lots of love,
This sounds great! I too am itching to add a banana bread muffin recipe to my blog, Just cuz everyone at home loves it so much.
I once heard that banana bread is the most googled recipe EVER. So from where I’m standing there can never be enough good recipes out there.