Tomaten, Tomaten, Tomaten! Es geht doch einfach nichts über knackige, sonnengereifte Tomaten direkt vom Strauch, oder!? Weil ich die kleinen, roten Dinger einfach soooo liebe, pflanze ich anfangs der Saison auch einfach immer zu viele der Nachtschattengewächse in mein kleines Beet. Aber wer kann sich bei der Auswahl der Sorten mit klingenden Namen wie Black Zebra Cherry, Primavera oder Lady Birdy auch zurück halten. Ich mich auf jeden Fall ...
Süß-sauer eingelegte Kirschtomaten
Amaranth Porridge with stewed Summer fruit
Summer, sun & sweet berry season! We're in the midst of summer & that means red, blue & purple berries are growing all around us. My personal food heaven. And because most of them find their way into my mouth without ever seeing a recipe, I'm super thrilled that I'm actually ready to share a summer berry recipe with you. Poured over a humble bowl of creamy porridge the stewed berries are actually the star of this dish. They add ...
Garlicky Roasted Bell Pepper & Tomato Soup – and a farewell to summer!
It's been a wonderful, sunny and exciting summer! The days have been warm and pleasing. The food on our tables was abundant. Rich in color, smell and taste. But now it's time to say good-bye. To let go of what was and to welcome the new season. As summer leaves us, the days are getting considerably shorter while the nights are getting cooler, everything reminds us of the endless circle of life. Trees that once were strong and vibrant are now ...
Cinnamon Blueberry Crumb Bars
There's something magical about juicy, bursting blueberries. And these easy blueberry crumb combine those delicious blueberries with a buttery cookie dough & a crispy oat crumble. They are whipped up super easily & come together in less than 15 minutes. So, no excuse, and let's get this oven preheated asap. Blueberries are a fantastic snack on their own, but baked into these little crumb bars they are transformed into the most ...
Strawberry Mascarpone Coconut Cake & Spring Vibes
Wow! 2020 has been moving fast! It's already spring here and temperatures are starting to rise into the 20°C. But, while we would much rather spend our days at the beach, we're confined to our homes due to the Covid-19 outbreaks around the world. This might be frustrating and annoying, but I also believe that it's an opportunity. A chance to concentrate on what's really important. A chance to really connect with each other, even though we cannot ...
Gegrillter Halloumi & Pfirsich Salat
Grillen gehört zum Sommer für mich genauso wie Salat. Und open-air essen natürlich sowieso! Dieser frische und im Handumdrehen zubereitete Sommersalat vereint all dies perfekt. Süße Pfirsiche treffen auf rauchig, salzigen Halloumi. Dazu die leicht scharfe Brunnenkresse und ein herrlich exotisches Ingwer-Balsamico Dressing. Aufregender kann ein Salat nicht sein. Was macht einen richtig guten Salat aus Ist Salat machen überhaupt kochen? ...