It's been a wonderful, sunny and exciting summer! The days have been warm and pleasing. The food on our tables was abundant. Rich in color, smell and taste. But now it's time to say good-bye. To let go of what was and to welcome the new season. As summer leaves us, the days are getting considerably shorter while the nights are getting cooler, everything reminds us of the endless circle of life. Trees that once were strong and vibrant are now ...
Garlicky Roasted Bell Pepper & Tomato Soup – and a farewell to summer!
Cherry Cardamom Crumble
June is definitely all about cherries. Those sweet little jewels are the perfect symbol of the beginning of summer. And I still remember how I stood in my grandparents garden having a pit-spitting contest with my older sister. Obviously I never won. But I was only in it for the fun of it, anyways. Can anybody relate? Cherries remain to be one of my favorite fruits of all times and it seems my little one is following in my footsteps in that ...
Summer Tomato Zucchini Galette (Vegan)
Oh, boy! Where has the time gone... It feels like summer has just arrived and at the same time we're running head on into fall. But before we warm ourselves inside out with hot stews and hearty, fall salads, let's soak up summer once more and make the most of those super ripe tomatoes and endlessly growing zucchinis. Fun fact: did you know that zucchini comes from zucchina, which means tiny squash in Italian? And that courgette, which is often ...
Summer Tomato Quiche
A crispy crust filled with fresh Heirloom tomatoes smothered in a creamy egg & sour-cream filling. A very simple but delicious dish that you can enjoy as a light lunch, dinner or serve as an appetiser or for brunch. Sometimes things can be so simple, right? Like peanut butter & jelly, or a simple crepe with sugar & lemon juice, or everybody's darling: avocado on toast. Just like these, this easy Tomato Quiche is incredibly ...
Gegrillter Halloumi & Pfirsich Salat
Grillen gehört zum Sommer für mich genauso wie Salat. Und open-air essen natürlich sowieso! Dieser frische und im Handumdrehen zubereitete Sommersalat vereint all dies perfekt. Süße Pfirsiche treffen auf rauchig, salzigen Halloumi. Dazu die leicht scharfe Brunnenkresse und ein herrlich exotisches Ingwer-Balsamico Dressing. Aufregender kann ein Salat nicht sein. Was macht einen richtig guten Salat aus Ist Salat machen überhaupt kochen? ...
Süß-sauer eingelegte Kirschtomaten
Tomaten, Tomaten, Tomaten! Es geht doch einfach nichts über knackige, sonnengereifte Tomaten direkt vom Strauch, oder!? Weil ich die kleinen, roten Dinger einfach soooo liebe, pflanze ich anfangs der Saison auch einfach immer zu viele der Nachtschattengewächse in mein kleines Beet. Aber wer kann sich bei der Auswahl der Sorten mit klingenden Namen wie Black Zebra Cherry, Primavera oder Lady Birdy auch zurück halten. Ich mich auf jeden Fall ...